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  • Immediate effects of hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, and prayer on cold pressor outcomes: A four-arm parallel experimental study
    Publication . Ferreira-Valente, Maria Alexandra; Van Dyke, Benjamin; Day, Melissa A; Teotónio do Carmo, Catarina; P. Ribeiro, J.L.; Pimenta, Filipa; Costa, Rui M; Jensen, Mark
    Purpose: Previous research supports the usefulness of hypnosis (HYP), mindfulness meditation (MM), and prayer as pain self -management strategies in adults with chronic pain. However, their effects on acute pain have been less researched, and no previous head-to-head study compared the immediate effects of these three approaches on pain-related outcomes. This study compared the immediate effects of HYP, MM, and Christian prayer (CP) on pain intensity, pain tolerance, and stress as assessed by heart rate variability (HRV). Participants and Methods: A total of 232 healthy adults were randomly assigned to, and completed, a single 20-minute session of MM, SH, CP, or an attention control (CN), and underwent two cycles (one pre- and one post-intervention) of Cold Pressor Arm Wrap (CPAW). Sessions were audio-delivered. Participants responded to pre- and post-intervention pain intensity measurements. Pain tolerance (sec) was assessed during the CPAW cycles. HRV was assessed at baseline, and at pre- and post-intervention CPAW cycles. The study protocol was pre-registered at the registry (NCT04491630). Results: Small within-group decreases in pain intensity and small increases in pain tolerance were found for HYP and MM from the pre- to the post-intervention. Small within-group improvements in the LH/HF ratio were also found for HYP. The exploratory between-group pairwise comparisons revealed a medium effect size effects of HYP on pain tolerance relative to the control condition. The effects of CP were positive, but small and not statistically significant. Only small to medium, though non-significant, Time × Group interaction effects were found. Conclusion: Study results suggest that single short-term HYP and MM sessions, but not biblical-based CP, may be useful for acute pain self-management, with HYP being the slightly superior option. Future research should compare the effects of different types of prayer and examine the predictors and moderators of these pain approaches’ effects on pain-related outcomes
  • The portuguese 35-item survey of pain attitudes applied to portuguese women with endometriosis
    Publication . Valente, Maria Alexandra Ferreira; Garcia, Inês Queiroz; Rosa, Ana Marques; Pereira, Anabela; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Jensen, Mark P.
    Background and aims endometriosis is a gynecologic recurring persistent condition affecting from 8% to 15% of premenopausal women worldwide. About 80% of women with endometriosis have at least one form of chronic pain - a multidimensional experience influenced by a number of psychosocial factors, including pain-related beliefs. The Survey of Pain Attitudes is the most commonly used measure of pain-related beliefs. This study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of a brief version of the SOPA (the SOPA-35) in a sample of Portuguese women with Endometriosis. Methods A sample of 199 Portuguese women with Endometriosis provided demographic and pain history information, and completed a Portuguese version of the SOPA-35 and measures of pain intensity, disability, and psychological function. Analyses were performed to evaluate the factor structure of the Portuguese SOPA-35 items as well as the internal consistency, composite reliability, convergent validity, and concurrent validity of the scale scores. Results Confirmatory factor analysis supported a six-factor solution for a 19-item version of the Portuguese version of the Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA-19-P). The six scales evidenced marginal to good reliability (Cronbach's alphas: between 0.60 and 0.84; composite reliability: between 0.61 and 0.84). Four scales evidenced acceptable to good convergent validity (AVE: between 0.51 and 0.63). The findings also supported the concurrent validity of the SOPA-19-P. Conclusions The results support the use of the Portuguese SOPA-19-P for research and clinical purposes with Portuguese women in chronic pain due to endometriosis. Future research is warranted to further develop a European Portuguese version of SOPA. Implications The findings provide psychometric information about the SOPA-19-P. The results are helpful to researchers wishing to study the role of pain-related beliefs and their association with adjustment and treatment outcomes in women with chronic pain due to endometriosis.
  • Qualidade de vida em termos geracionais
    Publication . Pereira, Sara; Ribeiro, José Pais; Leal, Isabel Pereira
  • Correction to: Does religiosity/spirituality play a role in function, pain‑related beliefs, and coping in patients with chronic pain? A systematic review
    Publication . Valente, Maria Alexandra Ferreira; Sharma, Saurab; Torres, Sandra; Smothers, Zachary; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Abbott, J. Haxby; Jensen, Mark
    This systematic review examined the extent to which measures of religiosity/spirituality (R/S): (1) are associated with pain, function, pain-related beliefs (beliefs), coping responses, and catastrophizing in people with chronic pain; and (2) moderate the association between beliefs, coping and catastrophizing, and pain and function. Experimental and observational studies examining at least one of these research questions in adults with chronic pain were eligible. Two reviewers independently performed eligibility screening, data extraction, and quality assessment. Twenty studies were included. Most studies focused on the association between R/S and pain or function. When significant associations emerged, those between R/S and psychological function were weak to strong and positive; those between religious/ spiritual well-being and pain and physical dysfunction were negative, but weak. Few studies examined the associations between R/S and beliefs/coping/catastrophizing; none examined the moderation role of R/S. The findings suggest that R/S is associated with pain and psychological function in people with chronic pain, and that viewing oneself as being “spiritual,” regardless of religion, may contribute to positive psychological adjustment. More research is needed to determine the reliability of this finding. PROSPERO registry CRD42018088803.
  • Pain diagnosis, pain coping, and function in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain
    Publication . Valente, Maria Alexandra Ferreira; Garcia, Inês; Ribeiro, José Luís Pais.; Jensen, Mark P.
    Purpose: Research supports a role for coping responses in adjustment to chronic pain. However, it is likely that some coping responses play a larger role in adjustment to pain for some individuals than others. The identification of the factors that moderate the association between coping responses and pain-related outcomes has important clinical implications. This study sought to determine if musculoskeletal pain diagnosis moderates the associations between eight pain-coping responses and both pain and function. Patients and Methods: A non-probabilistic sample of 323 persons with different chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions completed measures of pain intensity, physical function, psychological function, and pain-coping responses. Results: With only one exception, the frequency of use of pain-coping responses was not associated with pain diagnosis. Statistically significant moderation effects of pain diagnosis on the association between coping and pain outcomes were found for two coping responses: 1) support seeking when predicting pain intensity, and 2) resting when predicting both physical and psychological function. Conclusion: The findings indicate that coping responses tend to play a similar role in patients' pain and function across different musculoskeletal pain conditions, with some important exceptions. If the findings are found to replicate in other samples, they would have important implications for determining when psychosocial pain treatments might (and when they might not) need to be adapted for specific diagnostic groups.
  • Parent–child perceptions of quality of life: Implications for health intervention
    Publication . Gaspar, Tania; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de; Foguet, Joan Manuel Batista; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Leal, Isabel Pereira
    The KIDSCREEN-52 is an instrument that assesses 10 dimensions of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). It was developed as a result of studies by the European KIDSCREEN Group, University of Berlin (; see also Bisegger et al., 2005). During the Portuguese validation process, a model was developed to examine the perceptions of children and their parents on these dimensions. Structural equation modelling was used in order to estimate the fit of this model, in both cases according to gender and age. The specific aim of the present study was to examine the extent to which results differ by gender and age. An additional aim was to explore differences between the child and parent versions of the instrument, globally as well as by gender and age of the children. The results are based on a nationally representative sample of 3195 children from 5th and 7th grades. Data from each child were paired with data from their parents (2256 matched sets of data were generated). Most of the subscales exhibited good internal consistency in both the children’s and parent’s versions of KIDSCREEN-52, with values of the alpha coefficient approaching or above .80 for most scales. The exception was the subscale concerned with self-perception where the coefficient was approximately .64 for both children and parents. Subscale scores for children’s and parents’ versions correlated moderately strongly in the sample of matched pairs. This indicates that children and their parents view their health-related quality of life consistently,although parents tend to perceive their children’s quality of life as better than their children do. Analysis of variance suggested that there were small differences in scores associated with gender and age. The results confirm that the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire is a relevant instrument to estimate the perception of quality of life both in children and their parents. The findings that parents are not totally aware of their children’s subjective health-related quality of life perceptions and that parents have different perceptions according to the gender and the age of their children, have implications for professional practice and intervention with families of school-aged children.
  • Parent–child perceptions of quality of life: implications for health intervention
    Publication . Gaspar, Tania; Matos, Margarida Gaspar; Foguet, Joan Manuel Batista; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Leal,Isabel Maria Pereira
    The KIDSCREEN-52 is an instrument that assesses 10 dimensions of health-related quality of life (HRQoL). It was developed as a result of studies by the European KIDSCREEN Group, University of Berlin (; see also Bisegger et al., 2005). During the Portuguese validation process, a model was developed to examine the perceptions of children and their parents on these dimensions. Structural equation modelling was used in order to estimate the fit of this model, in both cases according to gender and age. The specific aim of the present study was to examine the extent to which results differ by gender and age. An additional aim was to explore differences between the child and parent versions of the instrument, globally as well as by gender and age of the children. The results are based on a nationally representative sample of 3195 children from 5th and 7th grades. Data from each child were paired with data from their parents (2256 matched sets of data were generated). Most of the subscales exhibited good internal consistency in both the children’s and parent’s versions of KIDSCREEN-52, with values of the alpha coefficient approaching or above .80 for most scales. The exception was the subscale concerned with self-perception where the coefficient was approximately .64 for both children and parents. Subscale scores for children’s and parents’ versions correlated moderately strongly in the sample of matched pairs. This indicates that children and their parents view their health-related quality of life consistently, although parents tend to perceive their children’s quality of life as better than their children do. Analysis of variance suggested that there were small differences in scores associated with gender and age. The results confirm that the KIDSCREEN-52 questionnaire is a relevant instrument to estimate the perception of quality of life both in children and their parents. The findings that parents are not totally aware of their children’s subjective health-related quality of life perceptions and that parents have different perceptions according to the gender and the age of their children, have implications for professional practice and intervention with families of school-aged children.
  • 12º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Promover e Inovar em Psicologia da Saúde: Actas
    Publication . Leal, Isabel Maria Pereira; von Humboldt, Sofia; Ramos, Catarina; Ferreira-Valente, M. Alexandra; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais
    Promover e inovar em psicologia da saúde é o tema proposto para o Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde, que se realiza em Lisboa, no ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, numa organização conjunta da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia do Saúde e do William James Center for Research do ISPA – Instituto Universitário. Como habitualmente, o primeiro objectivo deste congresso que se realiza a cada dois anos, e juntar os investigadores e profissionais que desenvolvem a sua actividade neste extenso campo designado como de Saúde e que, cobrindo os tradicionais contextos de saúde – hospitais e centros de saúde – se espraiam depois em direcções muito diversas em que a saúde e considerada um valor de todos os dias: a educação, o mundo organizacional, as instituições de iniciativa privada, empresarial, social, de apoio e assistenciais. Claro que o juntar num mesmo espaço físico todos estes investiga - dores, académicos, professores, alunos e profissionais da psicologia permitindo interacções directas esta ao serviço daquilo que tem sido apanágio da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde nestes mais de 20 anos de actividade: a promoção e divulgação da Psicologia da Saúde e da investigação científica. Serve, sobretudo, como forma de partilha de conhecimento e de experiencias. Pretende-se, assumidamente, possibilitar a partilha do estado da arte daquilo que são as práticas, reflexões, contributos teóricos e dados de investigação em direcção ao desenvolvimento continuado e alicerçado do conhecimento científico adentro da Psicologia da Saúde. A Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde junta-se na organização deste congresso o William James Center for Research do ISPA – Instituto Universitário, numa pratica já consagrada pelos muitos anos de realização de diferentes congressos e que consiste em rodar por diferentes universidades e unidades de investigação o palco desta iniciativa. Em 2018, o 12o Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde, contara com 461 comunicações, sendo 6 delas conferencias proferidas por conferencistas convidados e 455, submetidas e aceites pela Comissão Cientifica do congresso e apresentadas em simpósios e comunicações livres nos formatos orais e escritos. Das comunicações apresentadas, cujos resumos são apresentados num suplemento da revista Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, órgão oficial da SPPS, alguns dos autores submeteram os artigos respectivos a apreciação do Conselho Cientifico que procedeu a revisão de todos os trabalhos e escolheu 29 textos para serem apresentados no 1o numero de 2018 da revista Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças e 88 para serem publicados no livro de Actas do Congresso. Algumas das comunicações submetidas, e ainda um maior numero de artigos, não foram aceites para apresentação e publicação, por diversas razoes que vão desde a não observância das normas propostas, a fragilidade teórica e/ ou metodológica, ate a impossibilidade dos autores procederem as alterações propostas no curto tempo disponível para a preparação dos textos. O desafio que a SPPS coloca a si mesma em cada novo congresso e de conseguir num tempo recorde, disponibilizar o livro de atas do congresso no primeiro dia do mesmo, exigindo da parte da Comissão Cientifica, uma notável colaboração que aqui se reconhece e agradece. Promover a Psicologia da Saúde e inovar, num tempo em que a saúde não tem sido uma prioridade dos poderes estabelecidos, e um desafio que se coloca a todos e que esperamos que este 12o Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde possa ser um marco de encontros, caminhos e soluções.
  • Promoção da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes
    Publication . Gaspar, Tania; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Matos, Margarida Gaspar de; Leal, I.
    O presente trabalho visa identificar e caracterizar estratégias de promoção de qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (QVRS) em crianças e adolescentes, tendo em conta a perspectiva de crianças e adolescentes, pais e profissionais de educação. Foram utilizados métodos qualitativos através da aplicação da técnica de recolha de dados, grupos focais ou grupos de discussão centrados num tema. Para obter informação de modo a contextualizar, clarificar e interpretar o conhecimento adquirido através da revisão de literatura, nomeadamente, de estudos empíricos realizados neste âmbito. Foram efectuados dezasseis grupos, seis grupos de crianças e adolescentes, quatro grupos de pais e seis grupos de profissionais de educação. O discurso dos participantes foi alvo de análise de conteúdo Os resultados realçam essencialmente, a necessidade de actividades alternativas de ocupação de tempos livre dentro e fora da escola, envolvimento mais activo a parte dos pais e participação mais adequada e competente por parte dos professores na promoção da QVRS em crianças e adolescentes. Estas propostas remetem para a necessidade de uma intervenção conjunta e ecológica entre os vários actores e nos diversos contexto. ------ ABSTRACT ------ The present study aims to identify and to characterize the strategies used in order to promote Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) with children and adolescents, according to children and adolescents’ perspectives, Parents’ perspectives and professionals’ perspectives were also analysed and discussed. A qualitative method was used in order to collect data. A “focus group” or discussion groups based in specific issue was used to collect information and to contextualize, to highlight and to interpret the knowledge obtained through literature. Sixteen focus groups were carried out: six groups with children and adolescents; four groups with parents and six groups with education professionals. Participants speeches were analysed by using a content analyse procedure. The results highlighted from one side the need of alternative activities to spend leisure time inside and outside school. On another hand results suggested the need for parents’ active involvement and the need for a more skilled/ competent participation from education Professional. These features are critical in order to promote HRQoL in children and adolescents. Those proposals indicate the need of a global intervention, framed by an ecological approach involving all actors and several contexts.
  • Qualidade e propósito de vida
    Publication . Pereira, Sara; Ribeiro, José Luis Pais; Leal, Isabel Pereira