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- Vocal repertoire and consistency of call features in the meagre Argyrosomous regius (Asso, 1801)Publication . Bolgan, Marta; Pereira, Beatriz P.; Crucianelli, Aurora; Mylonas, Constantinos C; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Parmentier, Eric; Fonseca, Paulo J.; Amorim, Maria Clara PPassive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) is a non-intrusive and cost-effective method capable of providing high-resolution, long-term information on the status and health of vocal populations and communities. To successfully monitor the same species over wide geographical and temporal scales, it is necessary to characterise the range of sound variability, as well as the consistency of sound features between populations. The meagre (Argyrosomus regius, Asso 1801) is an interesting case study because recent investigations suggest a wider vocal repertoire than previously described. In this study, meagre vocalizations were recorded and analysed from a variety of settings, ranging from rearing facilities to wild populations to provide a comprehensive characterisation of its vocal repertoire, while investigating the consistency of spawning sound features between populations. All sounds presented a similar acoustic structure in their basic unit (i.e. the pulse), while an important variability was found in the number of pulses; the meagre can emit sounds made of one single pulse or many pulses (up to more than 100). High level of overlap in the Principal Component Analysis made difficult to differentiate sound type clusters. Despite this, two sound types were identifiable: knocks (sounds from 1 to 3 pulses) and long grunts (sounds with more than 29 pulses). Discriminant Analysis carried out on PCA residuals showed that knock had the highest proportion of correct placement (92% of the observations correctly placed) followed by long grunts (80%). All other previously described sound types (intermediate grunt, short grunt and disturbance sounds) could not be separated and presented low levels of correct placement, suggesting that care should be taken when defining these as independent sound types. Finally, acoustic features consistency was found in meagre grunts emitted by different populations during spawning nights; statistical differences could be explained by recording settings and fish conditions. The results of this study provide important information for fostering PAM programs of wild meagre populations, while contributing to the discussion around the definition of fish sound types in vocal fish communities. Studies of this kind, which evaluate both variability and consistency of sound features, are of fundamental importance for maximising PAM efforts in the wild, at both the specific and the community level.
- A nursing care intervention model for elderly people to ascertain general profiles of functionality and self care needsPublication . Goes, Margarida; Lopes, Manuel José; Oliveira, Henrique; Fonseca, César; Maroco, J. P.A core set of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health codes was used to ascertain general profiles of functionality as a function of biological and sociodemographic characteristics and to develop structured nursing interventions in accordance with self care deficits identified by studying self care behavior for elderly people living in both extensively and sparsely populated rural areas. Data were collected by health professionals in the participants' houses. An exploratory factor analysis enabled reduced data dimensions, and factorial validity was assessed by a confirmatory factor analysis. An ordinal regression model was built to identify general profiles of functionality as a function of age. A bar graph was used as a measurement tool for nursing care needs as a function of self care behavior and functional profile level. No functional problems were expected among people under the age of 74 years, while mild functionality problems were expected among people older than 74 years. Regarding nursing care needs, the results of the constructed model suggested that the functional concept "Support and Relationships" is associated with higher levels of functional problems and thus a greater need for self care interventions and that people aged 85 years and older always show therapeutic self care deficits.
- Sexual expression in old age: How older adults from different cultures express sexually?Publication . von Humboldt, Sofia; Gonçalves, José Alberto Ribeiro; Costa, Andrea; Low, Gail; Leal, Isabel PereiraObjective This study aims to analyze how older adults express themselves sexually. For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out, which analyzes their perspectives at a cross-cultural level. Methods Four hundred ninety-five older participants, aged 65 to 98 years, were interviewed. Participants were of three different nationalities and lived in the community. All the interviews went through the process of verbatim transcription and subsequent content analysis. Results A content analysis produced nine themes: tenderness and care (k = .91, p < .01); altruism and gratitude (k = .81, p < .01); attractiveness (k = 94, p < .01); positive communication (k = .89, p < .01); sexual activity (k = .88, p < .01); good health and physical condition (k = .96, p < .01); supportive relationship (k = .84, p < .01); eroticism (k = .94, p < .01); and feeling active and alive (k = .92, p < .01). Conclusions This study stressed different ways on expressing sexuality in old age and underlined the importance of tenderness and care and eroticism for older adults who are sexually active.
- Gone with the wind: Seasonal distribution and habitat use by the reef manta ray (Mobula alfredi) in the Maldives, implications for conservationPublication . Harris, Joanna L.; McGregor, Peter; Oates, Yvonne; Stevens, Guy M. W.1. Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are one of the ocean's largest and most charismatic species. Pressure from targeted and bycatch fisheries coupled with their conservative life-history traits including slow growth, late maturity, and low fecundity has led to catastrophic declines of the global population. The species is now listed as Vulnerable to Extinction on IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2. The global M. alfredi population is widely distributed in highly fragmented subpopulations. The Maldives supports the world's largest known subpopulation that undergoes seasonal migrations which are thought to be linked to peaks in ocean productivity induced by the South Asian Monsoon. Although the species is protected from targeted fisheries in the region, increasing pressures from habitat degradation and unsustainable tourism activities mean their effective conservation relies upon knowledge of the species' habitat use, seasonal distribution, and the environmental influences on such movements. 3. Photo-ID sighting records collected between 2005 and 2017 were used to identify key aggregation sites throughout the archipelago, and multiple linear regression and prediction analysis identified the environmental variables affecting variations in the intra-annual sighting frequency of M. alfredi. 4. Mobula alfredi were recorded at 273 different sites, 48 of which, with >100 sightings at each, were classified as key areas of habitat use. South-west monsoon winds and chlorophyll-a concentration predominantly affected the monthly percentage of M. alfredi sighted on the down-current side of the atolls. 5. In a country where climate change and touristic pressure are increasingly threatening this species and its habitat, the identification of key areas of habitat use and temporal changes in the use of these sites highlight the areas that should be prioritized for protection enabling more effective conservation management.
- Teacher identity: can ethical orientation be related to perceived competence, psychological needs satisfaction, commitment and global self-esteem?Publication . Granjo, Manuel Romualdo Cepeda; Silva, José Maria Castro; Peixoto, Francisco José BritoTeachers’ sense of identity is influenced by a set of factors, remaining unclear how they relate to each other and how much weight is assigned to them by teachers. Based on the existing literature and empirical data concerning teacher identity and ethical frameworks, this study tested a model aiming to understand how indicators of teacher identity (e.g. ethical orientation, perceived competence, satisfaction of psychological needs, commitment, and global selfesteem) relate to each other. The model was tested through structural equation modelling (SEM) using data from 643 Portuguese teachers, aged between 23 and 66 years (Myears of service = 15.4). Results showed that ethical orientation can play an important role in teacher identity, having direct and indirect effects on the other components of the model. The findings highlight the importance of ethical orientation as a variable to take into consideration in the study of teacher identity and teacher training.
- A escuta sensível como potente ferramenta na atenção primária à saúdePublication . Silva, Marísia Oliveira da; Mourão, Eymard
- Chemical fingerprints of emotional body odorPublication . Smeets, Monique A.M.; Rosing, Egge A.E.; Jacobs, Doris M.; van Velzen, Ewoud; Koek, Jean H.; Blonk, Cor; Gortemaker, Ilse; Eidhof, Marloes B.; Markovitch, Benyamin; Groot, Jasper H. B. De; Semin, Gün R.Chemical communication is common among animals. In humans, the chemical basis of social communication has remained a black box, despite psychological and neural research showing distinctive physiological, behavioral, and neural consequences of body odors emitted during emotional states like fear and happiness. We used a multidisciplinary approach to examine whether molecular cues could be associated with an emotional state in the emitter. Our research revealed that the volatile molecules transmitting different emotions to perceivers also have objectively different chemical properties. Chemical analysis of underarm sweat collected from the same donors in fearful, happy, and emotionally neutral states was conducted using untargeted two-dimensional (GC×GC) coupled with time of flight (ToF) MS-based profiling. Based on the multivariate statistical analyses, we find that the pattern of chemical volatiles (N = 1655 peaks) associated with fearful state is clearly different from that associated with (pleasant) neutral state. Happy sweat is also significantly different from the other states, chemically, but shows a bipolar pattern of overlap with fearful as well as neutral state. Candidate chemical classes associated with emotional and neutral sweat have been identified, specifically, linear aldehydes, ketones, esters, and cyclic molecules (5 rings). This research constitutes a first step toward identifying the chemical fingerprints of emotion.
- Aprender a ler, ler para aprender: o impacto diferencial da mediação didática de escrita inventada no processo de desenvolvimento emergente de literaciaPublication . Albuquerque, Ana Carrelhas; Martins, Margarida AlvesA proposta do presente projeto de doutoramento consistiu em investigar o impacto diferencial da participação em atividades de literacia emergente, em contextos diversificados e com o foco de análise em diferentes dimensões. Numa abordagem simultaneamente quantitativa e qualitativa, lançaram-se três objetivos gerais de investigação: 1) ampliar o âmbito sócio-cultural e linguístico de aplicação dos programas de intervenção de escrita inventada; 2) estudar os efeitos longitudinais de competências de literacia emergente no desempenho em leitura e escrita; 3) explorar as dinâmicas interativas inerentes ao processo de aprendizagem da linguagem escrita em intervenção didática coletiva. Neste sentido, foram realizados cinco estudos experimentais: um estudo multicultural focado no período da idade pré-escolar, dois estudos de follow-up até ao final do 1º ano de escolaridade, um estudo longitudinal continuado até ao final do 3º ano de escolaridade e um estudo de natureza descritiva e exploratória. Participou, neste projeto, uma amostra de crianças de 5 anos de idade (alunos do último ano de educação pré-escolar) que não sabiam ler nem escrever. Na fase inicial, foram constituídos dois grupos de investigação – grupo experimental e grupo de controlo – compatíveis em diversas variáveis individuais de natureza demográfica, cognitiva e metalinguística (género, idade em meses, habilitações académicas dos pais, capacidades cognitivas, conhecimento do alfabeto, consciência silábica, consciência fonémica). Para a aplicação de medidas de literacia (escrita/leitura de palavras, escrita/leitura de pseudopalavras, fluência leitora, compreensão leitora), estabeleceram-se pontos de avaliação e recolha de dados antes e após a fase de intervenção. O programa de intervenção de escrita inventada foi realizado com as crianças participantes na condição experimental durante um período de 2 meses, ao longo de 10 sessões com frequência bissemanal. Em sessões com periodicidade e regularidade semelhantes, os grupos de controlo participaram em atividades didáticas, como leitura ou conto de histórias infantis. As sessões decorreram em grupos de quatro crianças, heterogéneos no que respeita aos conhecimentos de literacia e competências metalinguísticas e foram desenvolvidas com mediação do adulto e cooperação inter-pares. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados com recurso ao software SPSS, sendo gravadas as dinâmicas interativas e o discurso verbal de alguns grupos para complementar o tratamento estatístico com análises qualitativas. As evidências empíricas sugeriram resultados pertinentes para a investigação científica e a atuação no panorama educativo. De uma forma genérica, verificou-se que, comparativamente com os grupos de controlo, as crianças que participaram nos programas de escrita inventada: 1) obtiveram desempenhos superiores em correspondências grafo-fonológicas na escrita e leitura de palavras, medidas num prazo imediato, no período pré-escolar, em contexto português e brasileiro; 2) demonstraram resultados mais elevados no 1º ano de escolaridade em variáveis de escrita, leitura e fluência leitora, tanto com itens de palavras como de pseudopalavras; 3) alcançaram um progresso significativo até ao 3º ano de escolaridade, em medidas de acuidade de escrita e leitura de palavras e em medidas de leitura mais complexas, nomeadamente a fluência leitora e a compreensão de frases; 4) foram capazes de incorporar procedimentos de internalização e resolução da tarefa específicos através de estratégias de mediação do adulto e de colaboração inter-pares. Em síntese, estas atividades, centradas na promoção da discussão ativa e participativa das crianças sobre a escrita de palavras, surgem como uma prática benéfica no processo de aquisição inicial de literacia, podendo ser integradas no enquadramento escolar e atuar como estratégia didática em sala de aula, no período antecedente à escolaridade formal.
- Regulation of cognition: Validation of a short scale for Portuguese first-year university studentsPublication . Bártolo-Ribeiro, Rui; Peixoto, Francisco José Brito; Casanova, Joana R.; Almeida, LeandroLa calidad del aprendizaje en la Educación Superior depende, especialmente, de las habilidades de los estudiantes para regular su cogni-ción. Esta regulación requiere habilidades cognitivas y metacognitivas, así como dimensiones motivacionales. Dada su relevancia en el rendimiento académico y el desarrollo de habilidades para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, es importante aumentar la investigación en el campo. Este estudio pretende adaptar y validar una versión abreviada de la dimensión Regula-ción de la Cognición del Metacognitive Awareness Inventory para estudiantes universitarios portugueses de primer año. Se empleó una muestra de 360 estudiantes y se identificó una estructura tridimensional (Planificación, 4 ítems; Estrategias, 7 ítems; y Monitoreo y evaluación, 7 ítems) con un fac-tor de segundo orden (Regulación de la cognición). Los valores de consis-tencia interna de la escala reducida son aceptables para una escala de auto-informe y las correlaciones con el logro académico al final del primer año de la universidad garantizan su validez predictiva. Esta versión abreviada para medir la regulación de la cognición puede usarse en investigación jun-to con otros instrumentos en estudios más amplios y puede funcionar co-mo una herramienta de diagnóstico para ayudar a los estudiantes en los desafíos del aprendizaje en la enseñanza superior.
- Categories of transdiagnostic processes: Qualitative data from psychotherapy practitionersPublication . Fernandes, António Farinha; Conceicao, Nuno; Silva, RitaInexistente