Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022"
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- Portuguese Version of the Ageing Attitudes Questionnaire (AAQ): Validation of the Psychometric PropertiesPublication . Pedroso de Lima, Margarida; Martins, Paulo; Gonzalez, António-JoséThe Ageing Attitudes Questionnaire—AAQ was validated for the Portuguese population to understand the importance of attitudes towards old age and their impact on the subjective wellbeing of older adults. A sample of 400 subjects (from 18 to 93 years) answered a socio-demographic questionnaire, and the AAQ, composed of three subscales (psychosocial losses, physical change, and psychological growth). The CFA confirmed the tri-factorial structure with very good adjustment of the model to the data, with the Cronbach alpha of the total scale scoring 0.84 and ranging from 0.65 to 0.77 for each factor. A total of nine items were omitted for poor factor loadings (<0.50), namely in factor 1 items 9-17-20, in factor 2 items 7 and 24 and, finally, in factor 3 we omitted items 4-18-19-21. Notwithstanding, three items below the criteria were maintained, as they conceptually fit into the factor. Of the final 15 AAQ items, 5 belong to the Psychosocial Loss Factor, 6 to Physical Change Factor, and 4 to Psychosocial Growth Factor. This tree factor model explained 50.1% of the total variance. In conclusion, this study supports that AAQ has acceptable validity, confirming the composite reliability and the discriminant validity, but not the convergent validity. Through multigroup analysis, the invariance of the scale was confirmed. This validation is of pivotal importance once it allows measuring attitudes towards ageing in the Portuguese population, thus facilitating the prevention of ageism and the promotion of well-being across the lifespan.
- Long-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, under global warmingPublication . Costa, Ana B.; Correia, Miguel; Silva, Goncalo; Faria, Ana M.The earth’s climate system and the global ocean have been warming up, since the mid-twentieth century and it is expected that the global and ocean´s temperature will rise in the next years even more [1,2,13,25,28]. For ectotherms, such as fish, temperature is a determinant cue for several behavioural [29], physiological [24], and metabolic processes [6]. Seahorses’ particular life history makes them vulnerable to human or natural disturbances [17]. The long snout seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, is one of the two species that inhabit the coastal areas of Portugal [23]. The present study aims to assess the effects of ocean warming on growth, feed intake and behavior patterns of adult H. guttulatus. Results provide clear evidence of detrimental effects of exposure to warming on this species. Under extreme temperatures (24ºC), the increased food ingestion was not enough for fish to support growth (weighted less), which suggests that fish were spending energy to counterbalance the thermal stress they were exposed to. Fish under both elevated temperature treatments (20 and 24ºC) were also spending more energy in active behaviours. Altogether, these data may indicate that ocean warming will have a drastic effect on seahorse populations currently inhabiting the Sado estuary.
- Family Sense of Coherence Scale: A Confirmatory factor Analysis in a Portuguese SamplePublication . Carneiro, Francis Anne Teplitzky; Salvador, Vanessa F.; Costa, Pedro Alexandre; Leal, I.Background: Family sense of coherence (FSOC) can be defined as the cognitive map of a family that enables the family to deal with stress during their lifetime. FSOC is the degree to which a family perceives family life as comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. To the best of our knowledge, few studies have used this scale, and very few have evaluated FSOC Scale psychometric properties. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the original FSOC Scale in a sample of Portuguese caregivers of children aged between 10 and 15 years. Methods: A total of 329 caregivers completed a sociodemographic questionnaire and the FSOC Scale. Analyses were performed to evaluate the factor structure of the FSOC Scale with 26 items as well as composite reliability, internal consistency, convergentrelated validity, and discriminant-related validity of the scale scores. Results: The findings supported a three-factor solution for a 13-item version that maintains the original FSOC Scale structure. The three FSOC dimensions presented a good fit to the data. Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, and convergent-related validity were considered very good for the FSOC Scale (α = 0.956; CR = 0.974; AVE = 0.689). No evidence of discriminant-related validity was found for the dimensions of FSOC. Conclusion: The findings support the use of the Portuguese FSOC Scale for research and clinical purposes with Portuguese caregivers. Future research is necessary to further develop a European Portuguese version of the FSOC Scale. Implications: This study provides a psychometric evaluation of FSOC Scale characteristics in a Portuguese sample. The results are helpful for clinicians and family therapists who work with families since it could help them to assess the resources of families and their ability to cope with adversity and enhance their strengths.
- Using a modified version of photovoice in a European cross‐national study on homelessnessPublication . Gaboardi, Marta; Santinello, Massimo; Lenzi, Michela; Disperati, Francesca; Ornelas, José; Shinn, MarybethThis study proposes an innovative use of a modified version of photovoice for cross‐national qualitative research that allows participants to express their ideas, experiences, and emotions about a topic through photographic language. We examine factors affecting social service providers' work on people experiencing homelessness in Europe. We highlight five advantages of using photovoice in cross‐national research: visual language, methodological flexibility, participatory data analysis, the bottom‐up process, and the promotion of social change. Moreover, we identify key stages of the process: writing a detailed protocol for the implementation and fidelity of the projects, using two levels of data analysis, and disseminating the results. This study provides lessons learned for others who may want to use photovoice in cross‐national research.
- Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the perceived ability to cope with trauma scale in portuguese patients with breast cancerPublication . Lemos, Raquel; Costa, Beatriz; Frasquilho, Diana; Almeida, Sílvia; Sousa, Berta; Maia, Albino J. Oliveira
- Year-round variation in the isotopic niche of Scopoli's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) breeding in contrasting sea regions of the Mediterranean SeaPublication . Campioni, Letizia; Dell'Omo, Giacomo; Vizzini, Salvatrice; De Pascalis, Federico; Badalamenti, Fabio; Massa, Bruno; RUBOLINI, DIEGO; Cecere, Jacopo G.Top marine predators are key components of marine food webs. Among them, long-distance migratory seabirds, which travel across different marine ecosystems over the year, may experience important year-round changes in terms of oceanographic conditions and availability of trophic resources. We tested whether this was the case in the Scopoli’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), a trans-equatorial migrant and top predator, by sampling birds breeding in three environmentally different regions of the Mediterranean Sea. The analysis of positional data and stable isotopes (δ13 C and δ15N) of target feathers revealed that birds from the three regions were spatially segregated during the breeding period while they shared non-breeding areas in the Atlantic Ocean. Isotopic baseline levels of N and C (meso-zooplankton) were significantly different among marine regions during breeding. Such variation was reflected at the higher trophic levels of pelagic and demersal fish muscles as well as in shearwater feathers grown in the Mediterranean. δ15N- and δ13C-adjusted values of shearwaters were significantly different among populations suggesting that birds from different breeding areas relied on prey species from different trophic levels. Conversely, the non-breeding spatial and isotopic niches overlapped greatly among the three populations. Shearwater trophic niches during breeding were narrower and segregated compared to the non-breeding period, revealing a high plasticity in trophic resource use. Overall, this study highlights seasonal and region-specific use of trophic resources by Scopoli’s shearwater, suggesting a broad trophic plasticity and possibly a high adaptability to environmental changes.
- King Arthur's Lessons for Leadership and Superior Performance—From Screen to Real LifePublication . Sabino, Ana; Cesário, Francisco José Santos; Andrade, Luís José Nunes; Teobaldi, Filipeinexistente
- COVID-19 Pandemic in Portugal: Psychosocial and Health-Related Factors Associated with Psychological DiscomfortPublication . Pais-Ribeiro, José; Ferreira-Valente, Alexandra; Jarego, Margarida; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Elisabet; Miró, Jordi: The COVID-19 pandemic is a stressful long-lasting event with an increasingly negative impact upon individuals. This study aimed at assessing the magnitude of depression, anxiety, and stress among adults living in Portugal during the first mandatory lockdown of 2020, and the psychosocial and health-related factors associated with these symptoms. A sample of 484 adults (73% women) with an average age of 40 years old (Standard Deviation, SD = 14.03) responded to an online survey. The survey included measures of depression, anxiety, stress, social support, COVID-19 interference in daily life, attitudes towards COVID-19, and health perception. The impact of the lockdown on psychological well-being was large, with up to 36% of the participants showing signs of at least mild psychological discomfort (i.e., depression, anxiety, and stress). Social support, COVID-19 interference on daily life, health perception, and age, explained all the dependent variables. Education level, income, attitudes towards COVID-19, and gender explained some of the dependent variables. These results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has a serious impact on the psychological health of Portuguese adults. The role of the procedures to control the pandemic on the mental health of Portuguese adults should not be underestimated.
- Progressing delineations of key biodiversity areas for seabirds, and their application to management of coastal seasPublication . Handley, Jonathan; Harte, Emma; Stanworth, Andrew; Poncet, Sally; Catry, Paulo; Cleminson, Sacha; Crofts, Sarah; Dias, MariaAim: Decision-making products that support effective marine spatial planning are essential for guiding efforts that enable conservation of biodiversity facing increasing pressures. Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are a product recently agreed upon by an international network of organizations for identifying globally important areas. Utilizing the KBA framework, and by developing a conservative protocol to identify sites, we identify globally importants places for breeding seabirds throughout the coastal seas of a national territory. We inform marine spatial planning by evaluating potential activities that may impact species and how a proposed network of Marine Management Areas (MMAs) overlap with important sites. Location: Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Methods: We collated a national inventory of all breeding locations for seabirds, including abundance records where available, and complementary estimates of at-sea distribution. We delineated areas of importance in coastal seas following approaches tailored to the ecology of species and assessed areas against global KBA criteria. To determine opportunities for species conservation and management, we reviewed which human activities have been documented to impact the target species globally via IUCN Red List accounts, and also assessed the overlap of important sites with a proposed MMA network. Results: We identified global KBAs for nine seabird species (Anatidae, Diomedeidae, Laridae, Procellariidae, Spheniscidae, Stercorariidae) throughout national coastal seas. Globally important areas where multiple species overlapped were only partially accounted for in key zones of the proposed MMA network. Main Conclusions: Development of a conservative protocol to identify marine sites for assessment against KBA criteria, revealed opportunities for enhancing a network of proposed Marine Management Areas in coastal seas. The framework we apply in this study has broad relevance for other systems where the design or review of management plans for the marine environment is required.
- Teacher attunement to preschool children's peer preferences: Associations with child and classroom-level variablesPublication . Peceguina, Maria Inês Duarte; Daniel, João Rodrigo Ferreira da Graça; Correia, Nadine Elisabete Fernandes Gomes; Aguiar, Cecília do Rosário da MotaTeacher attunement to peer preferences in preschool was assessed as the level of teacher-child agreement on each child’s preferred playmates. The associations between attunement and children’s age, sex, disability status (with or without disabilities), time spent with teacher, and classroom level variables - group size, emotional support, classroom organization, instructional support, and teacher experience - were investigated. Participants were 1415 children from 86 classrooms (743 boys and 672 girls; Mage = 62.15 months, SD = 8.80), including 108 children with disabilities. Overall, results showed that higher teacher attunement was associated with children’s age (being older) and not having a disability. Implications for educational policies and classroom-level professional development are discussed.