O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo compreender o impacto da tarefa de desencarceramento na resposta emocional dos membros de equipas de desencarceramento, tendo como foco principal a emoção da felicidade e tristeza. Nesse sentido, foram introduzidos imprevistos que alterassem o nível de severidade, criando duas condições distintas. A condição 1 referente à baixa severidade e a condição 2 correspondente a alta severidade.
A amostra é composta por 9 equipas da condição 1 e 9 equipas da condição 2, cada equipa constituída por 5 elementos, fazendo um total de 90 participantes. Os elementos das equipas tem idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 27 anos (M=24,1798; DP=2,12967), em que 23 dos participantes (25,6%) referem já ter experiência prévia enquanto bombeiro e 64 participantes (71.1%) indicam não ter experiência prévia.
Para avaliar as emoções foi utilizado um formulário que continha a emoção da felicidade, orgulho, tristeza e raiva extraídas da lista pré-existente de Shaver referida no estudo Weiss, Suckow e Conprazano (1999).
Os resultados sugerem que as hipóteses foram apenas parcialmente corroboradas. No entanto, é possível compreender que apesar de não se constatarem evidências estatísticas que suportem o impacto da tarefa de desencarceramento na resposta emocional dos elementos das equipas de desencarceramento, existem evidencias estatísticas que existe impacto da condição 1 (baixa severidade) na emoção da felicidade e impacto da condição 2 (elevada severidade) na emoção da tristeza.
The main objective of the present study was to understand the impact of the task of vehicle extrication on the emotional response of the vehicle extrication team members. With this in mind, unforeseen changes to the severity level were introduced, creating two distinct conditions. Condition 1 for low severity and Condition 2 for high severity. The sample consists of 9 teams from condition 1 and 9 teams from condition 2, each team consisted of 5 elements, making a total of 90 participants. Team members were between 19 and 27 years old (M = 24,1798; SD = 2,12967), in which 23 participants (25,6%) reported having previous experience as a firefighter and 64 participants (71.1%) indicated no previous experience. To assess emotions, was used a form containing the emotion of happiness, pride, sadness, and anger extracted from Shaver's pre-existing list referred to in the Weiss, Suckow, and Conprazano (1999) study was used. The results suggest that the hypotheses were only partially corroborated. However, it is possible to understand that although there is no statistical evidence to support the impact of the task of vehicle extrication on the emotional response of the team members, there is statistical evidence that there is an impact of condition 1 (low severity) on the emotion of happiness and impact of condition 2 (high severity) on the emotion of sadness.
The main objective of the present study was to understand the impact of the task of vehicle extrication on the emotional response of the vehicle extrication team members. With this in mind, unforeseen changes to the severity level were introduced, creating two distinct conditions. Condition 1 for low severity and Condition 2 for high severity. The sample consists of 9 teams from condition 1 and 9 teams from condition 2, each team consisted of 5 elements, making a total of 90 participants. Team members were between 19 and 27 years old (M = 24,1798; SD = 2,12967), in which 23 participants (25,6%) reported having previous experience as a firefighter and 64 participants (71.1%) indicated no previous experience. To assess emotions, was used a form containing the emotion of happiness, pride, sadness, and anger extracted from Shaver's pre-existing list referred to in the Weiss, Suckow, and Conprazano (1999) study was used. The results suggest that the hypotheses were only partially corroborated. However, it is possible to understand that although there is no statistical evidence to support the impact of the task of vehicle extrication on the emotional response of the team members, there is statistical evidence that there is an impact of condition 1 (low severity) on the emotion of happiness and impact of condition 2 (high severity) on the emotion of sadness.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA- Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, para a obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Equipa Tarefa de desencarceramento Imprevistos Severidade Emoções Felicidade Tristeza Team Task of vehicle extrication Unforeseen events Severity Emotions Happiness Sadness