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O envelhecimento é uma etapa inerente ao ser humano e merece, toda e qualquer atenção. É marcada por um conjunto de mudanças físicas e psicológicas e por isso, a promoção deste período de forma saudável, é imprescindível. A sexualidade é uma componente notoriamente importante, embora seja, na maioria das vezes, esquecida nas idades mais avançadas – principalmente, quando focalizada na orientação sexual. Assim, e de forma a contribuir para as lacunas existentes na literatura internacional e nacional sobre o estudo da sexualidade em séniores LGB, a presente investigação tem como objetivo a análise comparativa dos níveis de função e prazer sexual em séniores segundo a sua orientação sexual e género com 60 ou mais anos. A amostra foi constituída por 643 participantes, compreendidos em quatro grupos consoante o seu género e orientação/identidade sexual (Homens Heterossexuais, Homens Gays, Mulheres Heterossexuais e Mulheres Lésbicas). Os homens constituíam grande parte da amostra total (N=410) e as mulheres, o restante (N=233) – as idades estavam compreendidas entre os 60 e os 87 anos (M=66,33; DP= 5,52). A recolha de dados foi maioritariamente através de plataformas online, tendo sido utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Questionário Sociodemográfico; Índice de Funcionamento Sexual Feminino (FSFI-6); Índice Internacional de Função Eréctil (IIEF-5) e Escala de Prazer Sexual (EPS). Os resultados da presente investigação revelaram a existência de diferenças significativas entre os grupos, em ambas as variáveis (função e prazer sexual). No que toca à função sexual masculina, os homens heterossexuais apresentaram (na maioria dos itens), níveis superiores aos homens homossexuais – Estando cerca de 21% dos homens heterossexuais e 17% dos homens homossexuais, acima do ponte de corte. O contrário aconteceu na função sexual feminina, onde as mulheres homossexuais apresentaram níveis superiores às mulheres heterossexuais, na maioria dos itens – Estando cerca de 31% das mulheres heterossexuais e 34% das mulheres homossexuais, acima do ponte de corte. No prazer sexual, os homens heterossexuais foram o grupo com níveis mais elevados (M=5,61), seguidos das mulheres homossexuais. As mulheres heterossexuais, apresentaram, neste domínio, os resultados mais baixos (M=4,97).
Aging is an inherent stage of the human being and deserves any and all attention. It is marked by a set of physical and psychological changes and therefore, the promotion of this period in a healthy way is essential. Sexuality is a notoriously important component, although it is most often forgotten at older ages – especially when focused on sexual orientation. Thus, and in order to contribute to the gaps in the international and national literature on the study of sexuality in LGB (homosexual orientation) seniors, the present research aims to comparatively analyze the levels of sexual function and pleasure in heterosexual and homosexual seniors (men and women) aged 60 years or older. The sample consisted of 643 participants, divided into four groups according to their gender and sexual identity (Heterosexual Men, Gay Men, Heterosexual Women and Lesbian Women). Men constituted a large part of the total sample (N=410) and women, the rest (N=233) – ages ranged from 60 to 87 years (M=66,33; SD= 5,52). Data collection was mostly through online platforms, and the following instruments were used: Socio-Demographic Questionnaire; Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI-6); International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) and Sexual Pleasure Scale (SPS). The results of the present investigation revealed the existence of significant differences between the groups in both variables (function and sexual pleasure). With regard to male sexual function, heterosexual men presented (in most items) higher levels than homosexual men – being about 21% of heterosexual men and 17% of homosexual men, above the cut-off point. The opposite happened in female sexual function, where homosexual women had higher levels than heterosexual women, in most items – being about 31% of heterosexual women and 34% of homosexual women, above the cut-off point. In sexual pleasure, heterosexual men were the group with the highest levels (M=5,61), followed by homosexual women. Heterosexual women presented the lowest results in this domain (M=4,97).
Aging is an inherent stage of the human being and deserves any and all attention. It is marked by a set of physical and psychological changes and therefore, the promotion of this period in a healthy way is essential. Sexuality is a notoriously important component, although it is most often forgotten at older ages – especially when focused on sexual orientation. Thus, and in order to contribute to the gaps in the international and national literature on the study of sexuality in LGB (homosexual orientation) seniors, the present research aims to comparatively analyze the levels of sexual function and pleasure in heterosexual and homosexual seniors (men and women) aged 60 years or older. The sample consisted of 643 participants, divided into four groups according to their gender and sexual identity (Heterosexual Men, Gay Men, Heterosexual Women and Lesbian Women). Men constituted a large part of the total sample (N=410) and women, the rest (N=233) – ages ranged from 60 to 87 years (M=66,33; SD= 5,52). Data collection was mostly through online platforms, and the following instruments were used: Socio-Demographic Questionnaire; Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI-6); International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) and Sexual Pleasure Scale (SPS). The results of the present investigation revealed the existence of significant differences between the groups in both variables (function and sexual pleasure). With regard to male sexual function, heterosexual men presented (in most items) higher levels than homosexual men – being about 21% of heterosexual men and 17% of homosexual men, above the cut-off point. The opposite happened in female sexual function, where homosexual women had higher levels than heterosexual women, in most items – being about 31% of heterosexual women and 34% of homosexual women, above the cut-off point. In sexual pleasure, heterosexual men were the group with the highest levels (M=5,61), followed by homosexual women. Heterosexual women presented the lowest results in this domain (M=4,97).
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Ispa – Instituto Universitário para a obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Envelhecimento Sexualidade Identidade sexual Função sexual Prazer sexual Aging Sexuality Sexual identity Sexual function Sexual pleasure
Marques, I. F. (2024). Função sexual e prazer sexual nos seniores portugueses: Um estudo comparativo segundo a orientação sexual e o género [Dissertação de Mestrado]. Ispa – Instituto Universitário.