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O presente estudo pretendeu contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre a forma como o impacto psicológico e físico do Abuso Sexual Infantil (ASI) pode ter influencia, dependendo de
fatores intrínsecos, como a idade e género da vítima, e fatores extrínsecos como a duração dos atos abusivos, as práticas sexuais com e sem contacto físico, e principalmente, o tipo de relação
(intrafamiliar/extrafamiliar), estabelecido entre a vítima e o ofensor, atribuindo um foco maior a este último. Utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo clássica, para se analisar os processos judiciais de 148 crianças e jovens, em que 33 eram do sexo masculino (22,3%) e 115 eram do sexo feminino (77,7%), com idades compreendidas entre os 4 e 18 anos (M = 11,15; DP = 2,924), em que o tipo de relação entre as vítimas e ofensores era 46,6% intrafamiliar e 53,4% extrafamiliar; e
também inclui uma amostra de 148 ofensores, em que 136 indivíduos eram do sexo masculino (91,9%), e 2 eram do sexo feminino (1,4%), com idades abrangidas entre os 15 e 82 anos (M = 127,84; DP = 271,817), e não se conseguiu obter informação sobre o sexo (6,8%), e sobre a idade
do ofensor (9,5%) em 10 casos analisados. Evidenciaram-se associações significativas entre a idade da vítima, a duração dos atos abusivos, as práticas sexuais com contacto físico e o tipo de relação intrafamiliar/extrafamiliar), relativamente às consequências sicológicas e físicas mais agravadas, que cada vítima vivencia após o ASI. A variável correspondente ao género foi a única que não obteve associações significativas em relação ao tipo de impacto psicológico e físico
originado. As vítimas de Abuso Sexual Intrafamiliar, sofrem consequências psicológicas e físicas distintas, quando comparadas com as vítimas de Abuso Sexual Extrafamiliar, principalmente as
que envolvem práticas sexuais como o sexo vaginal, e anal, com uma duração mais prolongada no tempo, principalmente no sexo feminino.
The present study aims to contribute to a better understanding of how the psychological and physical impact of ASI can have significant differences, depending on intrinsic factors, such as the age and gender of the victim, and extrinsic factors such as the duration of abusive acts, sexual practices with and without physical contact, and mainly, the type of relationship (intrafamily/extra-family) established between the victim and the offender, giving greater focus to the latter. The classical content analysis method was used to analyze the legal proceedings of 148 children and young people, of which 33 were male (22.3%) and 115 were female (77.7%) , aged between 4 and 18 years (M = 11.15; SD = 2.924), in which the type of relationship between victims and offenders was 46.6% intra-familial and 53.4% extra-familial; and also includes a sample of 148 offenders, where 136 individuals were male (91.9%), and 2 were female (1.4%), with ages covered between 15 and 82 years (M = 127.84 ; SD = 271.817), and no information could be obtained about the sex (6.8%) and age of the offender (9.5%) in 10 cases analyzed. Significant associations were evident between the victim's age, the duration of the abusive acts, sexual practices with physical contact and the type of relationship (intra-family/extra-family), in relation to the more aggravated psychological and physical consequences that each victim experiences after the ASI. The variable corresponding to gender was the only one that did not obtain significant associations in relation to the type of psychological and physical impact caused. Victims of Intrafamily Sexual Abuse suffer different psychological and physical consequences when compared to victims of Extrafamilial Sexual Abuse, especially those involving sexual practices such as vaginal and anal sex, with a longer duration of time, especially in the female sex
The present study aims to contribute to a better understanding of how the psychological and physical impact of ASI can have significant differences, depending on intrinsic factors, such as the age and gender of the victim, and extrinsic factors such as the duration of abusive acts, sexual practices with and without physical contact, and mainly, the type of relationship (intrafamily/extra-family) established between the victim and the offender, giving greater focus to the latter. The classical content analysis method was used to analyze the legal proceedings of 148 children and young people, of which 33 were male (22.3%) and 115 were female (77.7%) , aged between 4 and 18 years (M = 11.15; SD = 2.924), in which the type of relationship between victims and offenders was 46.6% intra-familial and 53.4% extra-familial; and also includes a sample of 148 offenders, where 136 individuals were male (91.9%), and 2 were female (1.4%), with ages covered between 15 and 82 years (M = 127.84 ; SD = 271.817), and no information could be obtained about the sex (6.8%) and age of the offender (9.5%) in 10 cases analyzed. Significant associations were evident between the victim's age, the duration of the abusive acts, sexual practices with physical contact and the type of relationship (intra-family/extra-family), in relation to the more aggravated psychological and physical consequences that each victim experiences after the ASI. The variable corresponding to gender was the only one that did not obtain significant associations in relation to the type of psychological and physical impact caused. Victims of Intrafamily Sexual Abuse suffer different psychological and physical consequences when compared to victims of Extrafamilial Sexual Abuse, especially those involving sexual practices such as vaginal and anal sex, with a longer duration of time, especially in the female sex
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.
Abuso Sexual Infantil (ASI) Abuso sexual intrafamiliar Abuso sexual extrafamiliar Consequências psicológicas e físicas Fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos do ASI Child Sexual Abuse (ASI) Intrafamily sexual abuse Extrafamilial sexual abuse Psychological and physical consequences ASI intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Oliveira, B. F. (2024). A influência dos fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos no impacto psicológico e físico do abuso sexual infantil [Dissertação de mestrado], ISPA - Instituto Universitário.