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No contexto socioeconómico atual, o confronto com condições de maior ou menor adversidade no
trabalho, onde podemos enquadrar o desemprego, pode desafiar a vida pessoal e relacional dos
indivíduos. No presente estudo transversal, analisámos a adaptação pessoal (sintomatologia
psicopatológica e qualidade de vida), relacional (ajustamento diádico) e resiliência individual no
contexto de desemprego. A amostra foi constituída por conveniência e incluiu 15 casais em que um
dos elementos estava desempregado e 22 casais, com ambos os elementos empregados. O protocolo
de avaliação incluiu os seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos (BSI);
Instrumento de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial de Saúde – WHOQOL-Bref;
a Escala de Ajustamento Diádico – Revista (EAD-R) e a Connor-Davidson – Escala de Resiliência
(CD-RISC). Os resultados encontrados sugerem que os participantes desempregados atribuem uma
maior importância à relação do que os seus parceiros. A resiliência do desempregado mostrou-se
associada a menor sintomatologia psicopatológica, a melhor perceção de QdV e a melhor ajustamento
diádico. O presente estudo exploratório permitiu contribuir para conhecer melhor a adaptação
individual e conjugal ao desemprego, sobretudo devido à escassez de estudos nesta área, deixando
ainda pistas futuras de investigação.
ABSTRACT:In the current socio-economic context, the confrontation with conditions of greater or lesser adversity at work, where we can include unemployment, may challenge the personal and relational life of individuals. Throughout a cross-sectional study, we examined the personal (psychopathological symptoms, quality of life), relational adaptation (dyadic adjustment) and individual resilience in the context of unemployment. The sample was recruited by a convenience method and consisted of 15 couples in which one element was unemployed and 22 couples with both partners employed. The evaluation protocol included the following instruments: Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument – WHOQOL-Bref, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale – Revised (EAD-R), and the Connor-Davidson – Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results suggested that the unemployed attached greater importance to the relationship than their partners. The resilience of unemployed was associated with lower psychopathological symptoms, improved quality of life and better dyadic adjustment. This exploratory study had allowed us to better understand the relational and individual adaptation to unemployment, especially because the literature in this area is very scarce, but also leaves indications for future research.
ABSTRACT:In the current socio-economic context, the confrontation with conditions of greater or lesser adversity at work, where we can include unemployment, may challenge the personal and relational life of individuals. Throughout a cross-sectional study, we examined the personal (psychopathological symptoms, quality of life), relational adaptation (dyadic adjustment) and individual resilience in the context of unemployment. The sample was recruited by a convenience method and consisted of 15 couples in which one element was unemployed and 22 couples with both partners employed. The evaluation protocol included the following instruments: Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument – WHOQOL-Bref, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale – Revised (EAD-R), and the Connor-Davidson – Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). The results suggested that the unemployed attached greater importance to the relationship than their partners. The resilience of unemployed was associated with lower psychopathological symptoms, improved quality of life and better dyadic adjustment. This exploratory study had allowed us to better understand the relational and individual adaptation to unemployment, especially because the literature in this area is very scarce, but also leaves indications for future research.
Desemprego Qualidade de vida Relação de casal Resiliência Saúde mental Couple’s relationship Mental health Quality of life Resilience Unemployment
Análise Psicológica, 31, 3-16
Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada