O corte da barbatana é uma técnica de marcação e recolha de amostras biológicas muito
utilizada, por exemplo, na biologia da conservação. Esta técnica é usada de forma que
possam ser recolhidas amostras de tecidos orgânicos que são posteriormente utilizados
em análises genéticas. Estas análises fornecem um ponto de vista muito valioso em termos
de conservação de espécies uma vez que permitem obter conhecimento de dinâmica de
O peixe-zebra (Danio rerio) é um pequeno teleósteo comummente usado num número
considerável de laboratórios um pouco por todo o mundo. É usado principalmente como
uma espécie modelo em áreas ligadas à biologia como as ciências biomédicas, a genética
e a biologia do desenvolvimento.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é a utilização do peixe zebra de forma a estudar os
possíveis impactos que o corte da barbatana possa ter nos padrões de movimento e
natação dos peixes. Para isso foram cortadas quatro barbatanas, a dorsal, peitoral direita,
caudal superior e caudal inferior, uma em cada contexto. Foi criado um algoritmo em
MATLAB de forma a poder ser realizado video-tracking em vídeos pré (baseline) e pós
corte. Os dados obtidos foram depois analisados com o auxílio do SPSS.
Os resultados indicam que houve diferenças significativas em três pares distintos: pré e
pós controlo (onde nenhuma barbatana foi cortada), pré e pós barbatana peitoral direita e
pré e pós barbatana caudal superior.
O presente trabalho demonstrou que o peixe-zebra, uma espécie modelo muito
reconhecida, pode ser uma ferramenta valiosa para a biologia da conservação. Sendo
assim, podem ser desenvolvidos e aplicados protocolos em contexto laboratorial antes de
serem aplicados in situ. Isto permitiria que os resultados de estudos futuros fossem mais
robustos e que espécies em risco de extinção fossem protegidas.
Fin clipping is a widely used technique used to collect biological samples that are valuable in various contexts like conservation biology. It makes it possible to extract samples of tissue which are then used in genetic sampling. These analyses allow for a more thorough understanding of certain population dynamics concepts. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a small cyprinoid teleost that is extensively used in laboratories around the world as a model organism in various fields of biology, like genetics, biomedical sciences and developmental biology. The objective of the present work is to use the zebrafish as a model organism in an effort to gain some insight into what impacts fin clipping might have on movement and swimming patterns. Four different fins were cut, one in each context: Dorsal fin; Right pectoral fin; Superior caudal fin; and inferior caudal fin. A MATLAB algorithm was created so that video-trackingcould be performed in videos recorded before and after each fin was cut. Gathered data was then analysed using SPSS. The results indicate that there were significant differences between three of the studied pairs: pre and post control (no fin was cut), pre and post right pectoral fin cut, and pre and post superior caudal fin cut. The present work showed that zebrafish, a widely recognized biological model species in other areas, can be a valuable asset to conservation biology. This means that protocols may be created and applied in a laboratory setting using Danio rerio before applied in situ, thus bettering the outcome of future studies and experiments, while also protecting endangered species.
Fin clipping is a widely used technique used to collect biological samples that are valuable in various contexts like conservation biology. It makes it possible to extract samples of tissue which are then used in genetic sampling. These analyses allow for a more thorough understanding of certain population dynamics concepts. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a small cyprinoid teleost that is extensively used in laboratories around the world as a model organism in various fields of biology, like genetics, biomedical sciences and developmental biology. The objective of the present work is to use the zebrafish as a model organism in an effort to gain some insight into what impacts fin clipping might have on movement and swimming patterns. Four different fins were cut, one in each context: Dorsal fin; Right pectoral fin; Superior caudal fin; and inferior caudal fin. A MATLAB algorithm was created so that video-trackingcould be performed in videos recorded before and after each fin was cut. Gathered data was then analysed using SPSS. The results indicate that there were significant differences between three of the studied pairs: pre and post control (no fin was cut), pre and post right pectoral fin cut, and pre and post superior caudal fin cut. The present work showed that zebrafish, a widely recognized biological model species in other areas, can be a valuable asset to conservation biology. This means that protocols may be created and applied in a laboratory setting using Danio rerio before applied in situ, thus bettering the outcome of future studies and experiments, while also protecting endangered species.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Biologia Marinha e Conservação
Peixe zebra Corte de barbatana MATLAB Video tracking Análise de movimentos Zebrafish Fin clipping Movement patterns