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A existência de perturbações na relação mãe/pai-bebé pode ter implicações prejudiciais para ambos os
membros da díade. O Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ, designado por nós como Questionário
de Ligação ao Bebé após o Nascimento) foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a existência de
perturbações na relação que mães e pais estabelecem com o seu bebé. No entanto, entre os diversos
estudos já realizados com este instrumento, verificam-se resultados inconsistentes relativamente à sua
estrutura fatorial. No presente trabalho, conduzimos os estudos psicométricos da versão portuguesa do
PBQ, um instrumento de autorresposta composto por 25 itens e com uma escala de resposta de seis
pontos (de 0 – Nunca a 5 – Sempre). Uma amostra comunitária de 229 casais, cujos bebés tinham
aproximadamente 6 meses, respondeu a uma bateria de questionários. A realização de análises fatoriais
confirmatórias permitiu comparar seis modelos, definidos com base nos estudos já realizados com este
instrumento. Foi identificada como mais adequada aos nossos dados uma estrutura de um só fator, que
difere da versão original do instrumento. A versão final do PBQ é constituída por 12 itens, tendo sido
necessário alterar a tradução de um deles, de maneira a favorecer a sua compreensibilidade. O
questionário apresentou bons índices de consistência interna e temporal, bem como valores adequados
de validade convergente e discriminante. Verificou-se que os homens tendem a apresentar pontuações
significativamente superiores no questionário. O PBQ constitui um instrumento de avaliação fiável e
válido, passível de ser utilizado em contexto clínico e de investigação.
Mother/father-infant bonding disorders may have harmful consequences for both members of the dyad. The Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ; Portuguese version: Questionário de Ligação ao Bebé após o Nascimento) was developed aiming to assess the existence of disorders in the bond that both mothers and fathers establish with their babies. However, previous studies which used the PBQ have provided inconsistent results regarding its factorial structure. In the present study, we conducted the psychometric studies of the Portuguese version of the PBQ, a 25-item questionnaire with a 6-point Likert-type answer scale (ranging from 0 – Never to 5 – Always). A community sample of 229 couples, whose babies were approximately 6 months old at the time of the assessment, answered the protocol. Confirmatory factorial analyses allowed us to compared six models, which were based on previous PBQ studies. A 12-item structure, which differs from that of the original version of the PBQ, was identified has having the best fit to our data. The final version of the PBQ comprises 12 items, one of which was rephrased in order to be more easily understood by respondents. Good levels of internal as well as temporal consistency, along with adequate values of convergent and discriminant validity, were found for the PBQ. Men were found to display significantly higher scores in the questionnaire. The PBQ was shown to be a reliable and valid assessment instrument, which is useful in clinical and in research contexts.
Mother/father-infant bonding disorders may have harmful consequences for both members of the dyad. The Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ; Portuguese version: Questionário de Ligação ao Bebé após o Nascimento) was developed aiming to assess the existence of disorders in the bond that both mothers and fathers establish with their babies. However, previous studies which used the PBQ have provided inconsistent results regarding its factorial structure. In the present study, we conducted the psychometric studies of the Portuguese version of the PBQ, a 25-item questionnaire with a 6-point Likert-type answer scale (ranging from 0 – Never to 5 – Always). A community sample of 229 couples, whose babies were approximately 6 months old at the time of the assessment, answered the protocol. Confirmatory factorial analyses allowed us to compared six models, which were based on previous PBQ studies. A 12-item structure, which differs from that of the original version of the PBQ, was identified has having the best fit to our data. The final version of the PBQ comprises 12 items, one of which was rephrased in order to be more easily understood by respondents. Good levels of internal as well as temporal consistency, along with adequate values of convergent and discriminant validity, were found for the PBQ. Men were found to display significantly higher scores in the questionnaire. The PBQ was shown to be a reliable and valid assessment instrument, which is useful in clinical and in research contexts.
Características psicométricas Perturbações na relação mãe/pai-bebé Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire Mother/father-infant bonding disorders Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire Psychometric properties
Análise Psicológica, 10(1), 47-61
ISPA - Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada