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Introdução: O cancro da próstata é identificado como um problema de saúde a alcançar a
população do sexo masculino no mundo ocidental. A prostatectomia radical é o tratamento
privilegiado para a remoção desta neoplasia, podendo causar efeitos adversos desagradáveis,
nomeadamente, na área da sexualidade. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar e analisar as
vivências e representações da sexualidade em homens prostatectomizados depois de
diagnóstico de cancro da próstata.
Método: Foram entrevistados dez homens (n=10), numa amostra não probabilística por
conveniência. Foi usado o método qualitativo, descritivo, num corte transversal. Para a análise
dos dados, usou-se a análise temática, proposta por Braun e Clarke, numa perspetiva indutiva
e construtivista.
Resultados: Identificou-se um mapa temático com três temas centrais e oito subtemas:
medos impostos pelo cancro da próstata e pela prostatectomia radical (vulnerabilidades e
angústias face à doença; inseguranças e incertezas face ao futuro); viver sem próstata: as
mudanças no funcionamento sexual (a medicação e a perda de espontaneidade; a satisfação
com o funcionamento sexual e as limitações impostas pelo cancro e cirurgia; a ausência de
ejaculação; identidade masculina) e a importância do apoio psicológico (o papel do psicólogo;
as falhas no sistema).
Conclusão: Os participantes destacam a sexualidade, como um elemento essencial nas suas
vidas, manifestando-se com especificidades alteradas, e não sendo possível manterem a
mesma identidade masculina. Se por um lado, a visão vai no sentido negativo e limitador das
suas vivências, por outro, é possível encontrar novos caminhos que lhes permitem descobrir
um outro significado para as vivências da sexualidade.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Prostate cancer is identified as a health problem affecting the male population in the western world. Radical prostatectomy is the preferred treatment for the removal of this neoplasm, which can cause unpleasant side effects in patients, particularly in sexuality domain. The aim of this study is to analyse the experiences and representations of sexuality in men who underwent prostatectomy after a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Method: Ten men (n=10) were interviewed in a non-probabilistic convenience sample. The qualitative, descriptive and transversal method was used, with thematic analysis of the data, proposed by Braun and Clarke, in an inductive and constructivist approach of the data. Results: A thematic map is identified with three central themes and eight sub-themes: fears imposed by prostate cancer and by radical prostatectomy (vulnerabilities and anxieties regarding the disease; insecurities and uncertainties regarding the future); living without a prostate: changes in sexual functioning (medication and loss of spontaneity; satisfaction with sexual functioning and imposed limitations by cancer and surgery; lack of ejaculation; male identity) and the importance of psychological support (the role of the psychologist; failures in the system) . Conclusion: Participants highlight sexuality as an essential element in their lives, noting that it manifests itself with altered specificities, making it impossible to maintain the same male identity. If, on the one hand, the vision goes in the negative and limiting sense of their experiences, on the other hand, it is possible to find new ways that allow them to discover another meaning for the experiences of sexuality.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Prostate cancer is identified as a health problem affecting the male population in the western world. Radical prostatectomy is the preferred treatment for the removal of this neoplasm, which can cause unpleasant side effects in patients, particularly in sexuality domain. The aim of this study is to analyse the experiences and representations of sexuality in men who underwent prostatectomy after a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Method: Ten men (n=10) were interviewed in a non-probabilistic convenience sample. The qualitative, descriptive and transversal method was used, with thematic analysis of the data, proposed by Braun and Clarke, in an inductive and constructivist approach of the data. Results: A thematic map is identified with three central themes and eight sub-themes: fears imposed by prostate cancer and by radical prostatectomy (vulnerabilities and anxieties regarding the disease; insecurities and uncertainties regarding the future); living without a prostate: changes in sexual functioning (medication and loss of spontaneity; satisfaction with sexual functioning and imposed limitations by cancer and surgery; lack of ejaculation; male identity) and the importance of psychological support (the role of the psychologist; failures in the system) . Conclusion: Participants highlight sexuality as an essential element in their lives, noting that it manifests itself with altered specificities, making it impossible to maintain the same male identity. If, on the one hand, the vision goes in the negative and limiting sense of their experiences, on the other hand, it is possible to find new ways that allow them to discover another meaning for the experiences of sexuality.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para
obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de
Psicologia da Saúde.
Cancro da próstata Prostatectomia radical Disfunção erétil Sexualidade Análise qualitativa Prostate cancer Radical prostatectomy Erectile dysfunction Sexuality Qualitative analysis