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O objectivo do presente trabalho consistiu em descrever a aplicação do instrumento de avaliação de
qualidade de vida na infecção VIH, versão abreviada (WHOQOL-HIV-Bref) para Português Europeu,
bem como apresentar as suas características psicométricas. O WHOQOL-HIV-Bref foi aplicado a uma
amostra de 1196 indivíduos infectados pelo VIH dos principais departamentos/serviços de doenças
infecciosas do nosso país. Do protocolo de validação deste instrumento fazia igualmente parte o Beck
Depression Inventory (BDI) e o Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). A análise factorial confirmatória do
WHOQOL-HIV-Bref indicou um ajustamento aceitável, apoiando a estrutura original composta por
seis domínios. O WHOQOL-HIV-Bref apresentou características psicométricas aceitáveis de consis -
tência interna (o α de Cronbach variou entre .61 e .80) e validade de construto. Este instrumento
mostrou ainda boa capacidade discriminativa, com todos os domínios a discriminar os doentes
infectados quando se adopta como critério diferenciador a percepção geral de saúde e quase todos os
domínios (excepto o domínio espiritualidade) a discriminar quando se adopta como critério as
categorias de contagem de linfócitos TCD4+. As características psicométricas do WHOQOL-HIVBref
validam a sua utilização no nosso país, e este instrumento apresenta-se como particularmente útil
para avaliar o impacto da infecção VIH não apenas no bem-estar físico e psicológico, mas também
em várias dimensões para além da saúde.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the European Portuguese version of the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Instrument in HIV Infection, abbreviated version (WHOQOL-HIV-Bref). The Portuguese version of WHOQOL-HIV-Bref was administrated in a sample of 1196 HIV-positive patients, attending the main services/departments of infectious diseases of our country. Patients also completed the Portuguese versions of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Confirmatory factor analysis of the WHOQOL-HIV-Bref indicated reasonable fit, supporting the original six-domain structure. The WHOQOL-HIV-Bref showed acceptable internal consistency (alpha range from .61 to .80 across domains) and content validity. This instrument also showed good discriminative power, with all domains allowing the distinction between patients with different general health perception, and nearly all domains (the exception was spirituality domain) differencing patients considering the stages of CD4+ T cell count. The psychometric properties of WHOQOL-HIV-Bref validate its use in our country and this instrument showed to be particularly useful to address the impact of HIV not only in physical and psychological well-being but also in several domains beyond health.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the European Portuguese version of the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life Instrument in HIV Infection, abbreviated version (WHOQOL-HIV-Bref). The Portuguese version of WHOQOL-HIV-Bref was administrated in a sample of 1196 HIV-positive patients, attending the main services/departments of infectious diseases of our country. Patients also completed the Portuguese versions of Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Confirmatory factor analysis of the WHOQOL-HIV-Bref indicated reasonable fit, supporting the original six-domain structure. The WHOQOL-HIV-Bref showed acceptable internal consistency (alpha range from .61 to .80 across domains) and content validity. This instrument also showed good discriminative power, with all domains allowing the distinction between patients with different general health perception, and nearly all domains (the exception was spirituality domain) differencing patients considering the stages of CD4+ T cell count. The psychometric properties of WHOQOL-HIV-Bref validate its use in our country and this instrument showed to be particularly useful to address the impact of HIV not only in physical and psychological well-being but also in several domains beyond health.
Estudos psicométricos Qualidade de vida VIH/SIDA WHOQOL-HIV-Bref HIV/AIDS Psychometric studies Quality of life
Laboratório de Psicologia, 9, 49-66
Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada