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O envelhecimento da população e o seu impacto na sexualidade tem sido alvo de
investigação e embora a literatura indique a influência positiva da sexualidade para um
envelhecimento bem-sucedido, ainda falta informação que ajude a compreensão deste
fenómeno e contribua para a mudança de atitudes e comportamentos das pessoas
seniores em especial e na população em geral. Neste contexto, e considerando que
Portugal segue a tendência mundial, foi realizado o presente estudo tendo por objetivo:
1) analisar as características sociodemográficas de diversos comportamentos sexuais; 2)
estudar as variáveis associadas à satisfação sexual dos homens e mulheres portugueses,
com idades compreendidas entre os 60 e 75 anos. Método: A amostra foi constituída
por 509 participantes, dos quais 273 do género feminino e 236 do masculino, com uma
média de idades de 65.8 anos (DP = 4.42). Os dados foram obtidos através de um
questionário de autorresposta sobre saúde sexual e comportamentos sexuais.
Resultados: a maioria dos participantes (79.6%) reportou não utilizar a internet para
fins relacionados com o amor ou sexualidade, 66.4% informou não ter comportamentos
de masturbação no último mês e 28% não ter tido coito sexual no último mês, 44.8%
reportou não ter evitado o sexo no último ano; 92.4% referiu nunca ter experienciado
situações de coerção ou sexo sem consentimento prévio e 45.0 % manifestaram estar
satisfeitos sexualmente. A maioria da amostra referiu nunca ter procurado ajuda
profissional (71.9%) ou de outro tipo (89.2%) sobre situações relacionadas com a
sexualidade. Quanto a problemas sexuais, 36.9% dos homens referiram ter dificuldade
em conseguir ou manter a ereção e 33.7% das mulheres falta de interesse sexual. Dos
fatores associados significativa e positivamente à satisfação sexual, destacaram-se o
estado laboral para os homens e o estado relacional para as mulheres, e negativamente a
ansiedade e depressão independentemente do género. Conclusão: O presente estudo, e
os seus resultados, contribuíram para uma melhor compreensão de comportamentos
sexuais dos seniores portugueses, facilitando informação relevante para intervenção
psicológica, educacional e clínica junto da população mais idosa, dos profissionais de
saúde e da população no geral.
ABSTRACT: The aging of the population and it’s effect on sexuality, has been the subject of research, and, although the literature indicates the positive influence of sexuality on successful aging, there is still a lack of information to help understand this phenomenon and contribute to changing attitudes and behaviors of older people in particular and the population in general. In this contexto, and considering that Portugal follows the global trend, the present study was carried out with the aim of: 1) analyzing the sociodemographic characteristics of different sexual behaviors; 2) study the variables associated with the sexual satisfaction of Portuguese men and women, aged between 60 and 75 years. Method: The sample consisted of 509 participants, of which 273 were female and 236 were male, with an average age of 65.8 years (SD = 4.42). Data were obtained through a self-response questionnaire on sexual health and sexual behaviors. Results: the majority of participants (79.6%) reported not using the internet for purposes related to love or sexuality, 66.4% reported not having masturbation behaviors in the last month and 28.0% not having had sexual intercourse in the last month, 44.8% reported not having avoided sex in the last year; 92.4% reported never having experienced situations of coercion or sex without prior consent and 45.0% reported being sexually satisfied. The majority of the sample reported never ask for professional help (71.9%) or other type of help (89.2%) regarding situations related to sexuality. Regarding sexual problems, 36.9% of men reported having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection and 33.7% of women reported a lack of sexual interest. Factors significantly and positively associated with sexual satisfaction, work status for men and relationship status for women stood out, and anxiety and depression were negatively associated regardless of gender. Conclusion: The present study, and its results, contributed to a better understanding of the sexual behaviors of Portuguese seniors, providing relevant information for psychological, educational and clinical intervention with the older population, health professionals and the population in general.
ABSTRACT: The aging of the population and it’s effect on sexuality, has been the subject of research, and, although the literature indicates the positive influence of sexuality on successful aging, there is still a lack of information to help understand this phenomenon and contribute to changing attitudes and behaviors of older people in particular and the population in general. In this contexto, and considering that Portugal follows the global trend, the present study was carried out with the aim of: 1) analyzing the sociodemographic characteristics of different sexual behaviors; 2) study the variables associated with the sexual satisfaction of Portuguese men and women, aged between 60 and 75 years. Method: The sample consisted of 509 participants, of which 273 were female and 236 were male, with an average age of 65.8 years (SD = 4.42). Data were obtained through a self-response questionnaire on sexual health and sexual behaviors. Results: the majority of participants (79.6%) reported not using the internet for purposes related to love or sexuality, 66.4% reported not having masturbation behaviors in the last month and 28.0% not having had sexual intercourse in the last month, 44.8% reported not having avoided sex in the last year; 92.4% reported never having experienced situations of coercion or sex without prior consent and 45.0% reported being sexually satisfied. The majority of the sample reported never ask for professional help (71.9%) or other type of help (89.2%) regarding situations related to sexuality. Regarding sexual problems, 36.9% of men reported having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection and 33.7% of women reported a lack of sexual interest. Factors significantly and positively associated with sexual satisfaction, work status for men and relationship status for women stood out, and anxiety and depression were negatively associated regardless of gender. Conclusion: The present study, and its results, contributed to a better understanding of the sexual behaviors of Portuguese seniors, providing relevant information for psychological, educational and clinical intervention with the older population, health professionals and the population in general.
Dissertação de Mestrado
apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para
obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de
Psicologia Clínica.
Envelhecimento Sexualidade Satisfação sexual População portuguesa Aging Sexuality Sexual Satisfaction Portuguese Population